Friday, July 17, 2009


Q. In the USA what name was given to a seller of illegal alcohol?
   A. Bootlegger
   Q. In 1996 what overtook Coca-Cola as being the most well known brand name in the world?
   A. McDonalds
   Q. Ron Dennis has been the manager for many years of the team behind which Formula One motor racing car?
   A. McLaren
   Q. Which country is home to Grolsch lager?
   A. Holland (The Netherlands)
   Q. P&O, the shipping line, stands for what?
   A. Peninsular and Oriental
   Q. What is the metal or plastic end of a shoelace called?
   A. An aglet
   Q. Who invented the lift/elevator in 1853?
   A. Elisha Otis
   Q. Who was responsible for bringing down Barings Bank?
   A. Nick Leeson
   Q. Which mobile phone company shares its name with a fruit (it's Australian)?
   A. Orange
   Q. Which is the World's most popular brand of cigarette?
   A. Marlboro
Q. What was the name of the restaurant chain opened by Bruce Willis, Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Swartzeneger?
   A. Planet Hollywood
   Q. What is the name of Microsoft's free e-mail service?
   A. Hotmail (not Outlook; that is software to collect any Email)
   Q. What did Albert Parkhouse invent that is one of the most stolen items from hotels?
   A. Coat hanger
   Q. Which American car firm made the Corvette?
   A. Chevrolet
   Q. The imprisonment of Nick Leeson followed the collapse of which bank?
   A. Barings
   Q. Which company's name is short for Durability, Reliability and excellence?
   A. Durex
   Q. What is an assembly of Cardinals called?
   A. Conclave
   Q. Who had Skytrain printed on the side of his aircraft?
   A. Sir Freddy Laker
   Q. Who are the engine suppliers for the 'Williams' formula 1 team?
   A. BMW
   Q. What was the surname of the French brothers who founded a tyre company in 1888.
   A. Michelin
Q. Which company invented the computer floppy disc in 1970?
   A. IBM
   Q. What did Earl W Tupper invent in 1944?
   A. TUPPERware
   Q. Who devised the Package Tour?
   A. Thomas Cook. He ran a successful travel agency in the 19th century. It began after he led a temperance group on a guided train ride from Leicester to Loughborough
   Q. The world’s largest Mobile Phone maker is based in which country?
   A. Finland, it's Nokia.
   Q. What make and model of car was John F Kennedy in when assassinated in 1963?
   A. Lincoln Continental
   Q. Which cosmetics and perfume company was originally named The California Perfume Co?
   A. Avon
   Q. Founded in Canada in 1971, and now with its headquarters in Amsterdam, what was the original aim of the environmental organization Greenpeace?
   A. To oppose U.S. nuclear testing in Alaska
   Q. What did Harry Beck design in 1931 which is still used in London today?
   A. The map of the London Tube system (the Underground)
   Q. Which vehicle did J C Bamford give his name to?
   A. JCB digger
   Q. Which formula one driver is the owner of the luxurious Columbus Hotel in Monaco?
   A. David Coulthard
Q. Vespa and Lambretta are famous manufacturers of what?
   A. Scooters
   Q. Which country does Red Stripe lager come from?
   A. Jamaica
   Q. Which car manufacture makes the engine for the Mclaren F1 team?
   A. Mercedes Benz
   Q. Which company owned the ill-fated Titanic?
   A. White Star line
   Q. What is the name of the railway that was opened in 1901 and runs from Moscow to Vladisvostok?
   A. Trans-Siberian Railway
   Q. Yoshida Kogyo Kabushibibaisha or YKK for short appears on nearly every what?
   A. Zip
   Q. Which Airline owned the Plane that blew up over Lockerbie in 1988?
   A. Pan Am. On December 21 a terrorist bomb exploded in a Pan-Am aircraft flying from Frankfurt to New York, via London.
   Q. What was Mr. Ferrari's first name?
   A. Enzo
   Q. Which two airlines have gone into partnership to become the largest airline in Europe?
   A. Air France and KLM
   Q. What name is California's Santa Clara County, the heartland of the US Computer Industry, more commonly called?
   A. Silicon valley
Q. Which popular children's toy originated as a weapon and was once known as the bandalore?
   A. Yo-Yo
   Q. What colour is the M on the Mcdonald’s logo?
   A. Yellow
   Q. Two South American countries were members of OPEC (the organisation of petroleum exporting countries). Venezuela is still one. What was the other?
   A. Ecuador (they joined in 1973 and left in 1992).
   Q. It is made from thermo-plastic paper and the manilla hemp used to make rope, it is designed to withstand boiling water, what is it?
   A. A teabag
   Q. Which company built the WW2 Spitfire?
   A. Supermarine. The fighter pilots of Britain’s RAF won the Battle of Britain in 1940 by a narrow margin. The quality of their solidly built Hawker Hurricane and speedy Supermarine Spitfire interceptors was one vital factor.
   Q. In which country is the world's largest McDonalds Restaurant?
   A. CHINA (The McDonalds in Beijing is 28,000 square feet, 2 stories high, and seats 700 people)
   Q. Which of the following is the smallest paper size; A3, A4, or A5?
   A. A5
   Q. What was the Jaguar car called before 1945?
   A. The SS
   Q. In which country are Lada cars made?
   A. Russia
   Q. What name is given to a person authorised to vote on behalf of someone else?
   A. Proxy
Q. What word describes the minimum number of members required to be present for the proceedings of an assembly to be valid ?
   A. Quorum
   Q. What is the name of the mascot on the bonnet of a Rolls Royce?
   A. The Spirt of Ecstacy
   Q. Which London thoroughfare is traditionally associated with high quality tailoring?
   A. Savile Row
   Q. Which vehicle took its name from the fact that it was made to be used for general purposes?
   A. Jeep
   Q. What is the name of Hong Kong's airline?
   A. Cathay Pacific
   Q. As in the music shop, what do the letters HMV stand for?
   A. His Masters Voice
   Q. Which creature features on the logo of Bacardi Rum?
   A. Bat
   Q. The Skoda car company is based in which country?
   A. Czechoslovakia
   Q. Who first produced a book in 1955 to help pub owners settle debates (and bets) between patrons?
   A. Guinness (book of world records)
   Q. Which goldsmith and jeweler was famous for ornate Easter eggs?
   A. Peter Faberge
Q. What was the first name of Gabrielle Chanel, the French fashion designer 1883-1971?
   A. Coco
   Q. What cloth is produced from tangled moistened fibres of hair and wool, which are heated and rolled together?
   A. Felt
   Q. The 1st vending machines in the USA were installed on New York City railway platforms in 1888, what did they dispense?
   A. Chewing Gum
   Q. Which car manufacturer has made models called Neon, Cherokee and Voyager?
   A. Chrysler
   Q. Which Japanese electronics firm is named after a word meaning sound?
   A. Sony
   Q. Which Roman Goddess is also a brand of margarine?
   A. Flora (Goddess of flowers)
   Q. Which company makes the Xbox games console?
   A. Microsoft
   Q. Which magazine uses the mythological winged horse Pegasus for its logo?
   A. Readers Digest
   Q. Eva Herzagova advertised what using the slogan 'hello boys'?
   A. The WonderBra
   Q. What is the book Glass's Guide a guide to?
   A. Used Car Prices
Q. What does the B stand for in BMW?
   A. Bavarian or Bayerische
   Q. What in the USA is the name of the central bank?
   A. The Federal reserve
   Q. What currency is used in Japan?
   A. Yen
   Q. Which family owns the American wrestling federation, the WWF?
   A. The MacMahons
   Q. Lending her name to a famous brand, who was the Greek Goddess of Victory?
   A. Nike
   Q. Which American company owns CNN broadcasting and 'People' magazine?
   A. AOL Time Warner
   Q. Which company now makes the Mini?
   A. BMW
   Q. What did the Barbie Doll get in 2000, which it hadn't had before?
   A. A belly-button
   Q. Who designed the first modern petrol-driven internal combustion engine for the car?
   A. Gottlieb Daimler
   Q. Hailed as Dior's successor, which, then 23-year-old French fashion designer held his first major Paris show in 1958?
   A. Yves St. Laurent
Q. What giant car company almost went out of business in 1981?
   A. Chrysler
   Q. What name did the Standard Oil Co. of California adopt?
   A. ESSO
   Q. On what street in London is the Bank of England situated?
   A. Threadneedle Street
   Q. What did Martin Stone invent in 1888 that millions of suckers use every day?
   A. Drinking Straw
   Q. Which company opened the first Burger Restaurant in Britain in 1954?
   A. Wimpy
   Q. What is the name of the USA's national rail network?
   Q. What do the initials 'MG' stand for on the British made car?
   A. Morris Garage
   Q. Walter Fredrick Morrison sold the rights to his 'Pluto Platter' in 1955, but under what name did this toy become popular?
   A. Frisbee
   Q. In which country was the Audi car first made?
   A. Germany
   Q. Which company based in Clemont-Ferrand, is the largest producer of tyres in France and is now involved in Formula One racing?
   A. Michelin.
Q. What was the only type of wood used by Thomas Chippendale?
   A. Mahogany
   Q. The Citizen is a tabloid newspaper. What is the Star?
   A. Broadsheet
   Q. Which company sponsors both Manchester United and the England Cricket team?
   A. Vodaphone
   Q. What is the subject of speciality publishing company Haynes?
   A. Car manuals
   Q. Which company who make toy cars and other models won the first toy of the year award in 1965 for a model Aston Martin from the first James Bond film?
   A. Corgi
   Q. What was the name of the Japanese virtual pets that became very popular throughout the world in 1997?
   A. Tamagotchi
   Q. What was the first country to issue postage stamps?
   A. Great Britain
   Q. What does CNN stand for on the TV or Internet?
   A. Cable News Network
   Q. What won the toy of the year award in both 1980 and 1981?
   A. The Rubik's Cube
   Q. Who designed the original 1936 Volkswagon?
   A. Ferdinand Porche
Q. Which company is responsible for 'Mates' condoms?
   A. Virgin
   Q. Which goldsmith and jeweller was famous for ornate easter eggs?
   A. Peter Faberge
   Q. What was introduced by Barclays Bank for the 1st Time on June 17th 1967?
   A. First Cash Dispenser (ATM)
   Q. What is the name of Hong Kong's airline?
   A. Cathay Pacific
   Q. Whose autobiography was entitled 'Losing my Virginity'?
   A. Richard Branson
   Q. Which country is Red Stripe lager originally from?
   A. Jamaica
   Q. JVC launched VHS format in 1976, but what does VHS stand for?
   A. Video Home system
   Q. Which drink was named by its inventor after rejecting the first six names that were offered?
   A. 7 Up
   Q. With regard to the record label what do the initials RCA stand for?
   A. Radio Corporation of America
   Q. What breed of dog advertises Dulux Paint' on TV?
   A. Old English sheepdog
Q. What is the most famous product manufactured by the American company Anheuser Busch?
   A. Budweiser beer
   Q. Which car company owns Jaguar?
   A. Ford
   Q. What is Barbie's boyfriend, Ken's last name?
   A. Carson
   Q. What company was formerly known as Computing Tabulating Recording Company?
   A. IBM
   Q. What is the official currency of Portugal?
   A. Euro
   Q. What is Colombia’s chief export?
   A. Cocaine
   Q. Apart from water, what is the most widely consumed drink in the world, Coffee, Tea or Coca-Cola?
   A. Tea
   Q. Complete this advertising slogan 'Murraymints, Murraymints...'?
   A. The too good to hurry mints.
   Q. What clothes designer said: 'A woman is as old as her knee'?
   A. Mary Quant
   Q. What is the national airline of Ireland?
   A. Aer Lingus
Q. What is the national airline of Spain?
   A. Iberia
   Q. What commodity is traditionally measured in units called a Truss?
   A. Hay/Straw
   Q. London's Drury Lane is associated with which industry?
   A. Theatre
   Q. Excluding India name 2 other countries that use the rupee as currency.
   A. India, Mauritius, Nepal, Pakistan, Seychelles and Sri Lanka.
   Q. In which country are Saab cars manufactured?
   A. Sweden
   Q. How many old pennies were there in Half a Crown?
   A. 30
   Q. Which company manufactured Lancaster bomber?
   A. Avro
   Q. What is the currency of Turkey?
   A. Lira
   Q. In which country is Sikorsky Helicopters' head office?
   A. America
   Q. Which car manufacturer uses a badge consisting of 4 interlocked circles?
   A. Audi
Q. Which was the first company formed to manufacture motor cars?
   A. Daimler
   Q. What is the national airline of Spain?
   A. Iberia
   Q. The Baht is the monetary unit of which country?
   A. Thailand
   Q. Which car is featured in the film Back to the Future?
   A. De Lorean
   Q. Which designer is credited with inventing the mini-skirt?
   A. Mary Quant
   Q. South Africa is the world's largest producer of 3 metals. Platinum and Gold are 2 of them, what’s the third?
   A. Chromite
   Q. Which company owns 'Hotmail', the Internet based e-mail system?
   A. Microsoft
   Q. Who invented jeans?
   A. Levi Straus
   Q. What is the name of the mascot on the bonnet of a Rolls Royce?
   A. The spirit of ecstasy
   Q. Which vehicle took its name from the fact that it was made to be used for general purposes?
   A. Jeep (GP

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